Ukrainian Textile Club
Have you started a Ukrainian textile project, like a sorochka or a rushnyk, but need more guidance to bring it to life? Or are you already familiar with textile work and eager to start something new? Join the Ukrainian Textile Club, presented by Myroslava Boikiv, St. Volodymyr Institute (SVI), and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. This club offers a hands-on, supportive environment where you can work on your traditional textile projects using authentic techniques. With Myroslava’s mentorship, you'll deepen your skills in sewing, embroidery, and weaving while connecting with others who share a passion for Ukrainian textile arts. Future workshops may also be introduced to welcome more members into our club.
Please note that the club's language will primarily be Ukrainian.
Suggested payment: $30 per session.
Register by
E-transfers to or cash when you arrive
Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a global movement dedicated to encouraging generosity and supporting charitable causes. This day invites individuals, organizations, and communities to come together and make a positive impact by donating time, resources, or funds to causes they care about. It's a chance to kick off the holiday season with acts of kindness, fostering a spirit of giving that helps create lasting change around the world.
This Giving Tuesday, please consider supporting the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch. Your donation helps sustain the Museum's programs, exhibitions, and educational initiatives that showcase Ukrainian art, history, and traditions. By contributing, you play a vital role in supporting the cultural identity of the Ukrainian community in Canada and ensuring that future generations can continue to learn about and appreciate this vibrant culture.
This Giving Tuesday, every dollar counts! You can make a one-time donation or set up automatic monthly contributions to the Museum on Even a little each month adds up to make a big difference in preserving Ukrainian culture for years to come. All donations made via receive an instant tax receipt.
Ukrainian Book Club (English)
Join Our Ukrainian Literature Book Club!
Date & Time: November 29th, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Book: “The Night Before Christmas” by Mykola Gogol
Language: English (if you are interested in a Ukrainian-language meeting - it will take place on November 8, 2024)
Email to register
Welcome to the Ukrainian Literature Book Club, co-presented by the St. Volodymyr Institute and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch! Whether you're a literature enthusiast, or simply curious about Ukrainian culture, this club offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich literary heritage of Ukraine.
During our meetings, we will engage in stimulating discussions, deepen our understanding of Ukrainian culture and history, and connect with fellow literature lovers. The meetings will also include a mini-lecture on the historical context of the book and will be surrounded by artifacts from the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch which will bring these stories to life and make for a truly enriching experience.
The theme for this meeting will be Ukrainian culture and more specifically the intertwined pagan and Christian traditions of Christmas. In Mykola Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”, Gogol intricately describes Ukrainian customs of Christmas which survived even during the repression of such traditions from the Russian Empire. Our Ukrainian language meeting will be held on Friday, November 8th at 6:30 pm at the St. Volodymyr Institute. The first English language meeting will be on Friday, November 29th at 6:30 pm.
If you're interested in attending, please respond to Be sure to indicate your preferred language for the discussion (English or Ukrainian) and the date/dates you will be attending. Due to space limitations, attendance is capped, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis for each meeting. So, don’t delay in securing your place! Meetings in each language will be bi-monthly. Please come to the meeting having read the books!
We hope you'll join us for this exciting new venture into the world of Ukrainian literature.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Holodomor Commemoration
Join the Toronto Ukrainian community in honouring the victims of the Holodomor on November 23 at 3:00 pm. The event will be held at the Holodomor Memorial Parkette, located at: 100 Princes' Blvd, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Let's gather as a community to pay tribute and remember this tragic page of Ukrainian history.
Приєднуйтесь до нас, щоб вшанувати пам’ять жертв Голодомору на спеціальній церемонії 23 листопада о 15:00. Захід проходитиме в Holodomor Memorial Parquet за адресою: 100 Princes' Blvd, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Збираймося громадою, щоб віддати шану та згадати цю трагічну сторінку української історії.
Поділіться цим запрошенням з друзями та родиною та приведіть інших з української громади, щоб ми могли вшанувати пам’ять разом.
Holodomor Memorial Day
Honoring the Victims of the Holodomor: A Reflection on Memorial Day
Today, on Holodomor Memorial Day, we, as Ukrainian Canadians, pause to remember and honor the millions of innocent lives lost during one of the darkest chapters in history. The Holodomor, the man-made famine that ravaged Ukraine in 1932-1933, stands as a stark reminder of the horrors that can unfold when power is abused and humanity is stripped away.
For many of us, the pain of this tragedy is not just a distant memory; it is carried within our families, passed down through stories of survival, loss, and resilience. Though the scars of the past may not always be visible, they shape who we are today—proud Canadians, deeply connected to our Ukrainian roots.
We remember those who perished in the famine, but we also celebrate the strength of those who survived, and the generations that followed who continue to rebuild, preserve, and share their history. The Holodomor is a painful reminder that we must never forget the lessons of the past, and that we must continue to stand against all forms of oppression and injustice in our world.
On this solemn day, we reflect with love, remembrance, and the unwavering hope that the victims' memory will always be honored, and their legacy will never be forgotten. Вічна пам’ять! Eternal memory!
1000 days
November 19, 2024 marks the 1000th day of the russian invasion of Ukraine. We stand in solemn reflection, honoring the lives lost in the fight to defend democracy, freedom, and the sovereignty of Ukraine. We remember the thousands of Ukrainians who continue to show immense courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable hardship, and those who have given their lives defending our ancestral homeland. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten. We remain united in support of Ukraine, its people, and their unwavering determination for peace and justice.
Holiday Market
Saturday November 16
10:00 am - 4:00pm
Sunday November 17
12:00 pm - 5:00pm
620 Spadina Avenue, Toronto
Join us for our annual Holiday Market!! Presented by Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch and St. Volodymyr Institute, for a festive day filled with unique Ukrainian crafts, gifts, and cultural experiences. Celebrate the season with art, community, and so much more!
Highlights include:
• Ukrainian crafts, gifts, and wearables
• Books from the St. Volodymyr Institute Library
• Ukrainian Vybiyka clothing, bags, and more
• Children's gifts
• Ukrainian cookbooks
• Kitchen Corner with specialty items
• Beautiful Christmas ornaments
• Jewellery designed by Ukrainian Canadian artists
• Christmas cards and CDs
• Baba's Treasures featuring traditional ceramics, wood carvings, and embroidery
• Vintage books and artwork
• Making a Museum exhibition tours
• Craft workshops and activities
• Pavuk installation
You can also enjoy refreshments and activities at the SVI Vinyl Cafe!
Ukrainian Textile Club
Have you started a Ukrainian textile project, like a sorochka or a rushnyk, but need more guidance to bring it to life? Or are you already familiar with textile work and eager to start something new? Join the Ukrainian Textile Club, presented by Myroslava Boikiv, St. Volodymyr Institute (SVI), and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. This club offers a hands-on, supportive environment where you can work on your traditional textile projects using authentic techniques. With Myroslava’s mentorship, you'll deepen your skills in sewing, embroidery, and weaving while connecting with others who share a passion for Ukrainian textile arts. Future workshops may also be introduced to welcome more members into our club.
Please note that the club's language will primarily be Ukrainian.
Suggested payment: $30 per session.
Register by
E-transfers to or cash when you arrive
Tapestry Making Workshop with Bozena Hrycyna
This workshop is an introduction to the very ancient, simple yet endlessly variable art of tapestry weaving on a frame loom. You will learn to wind a simple warp on a frame and do pick up weaving with wool to create a small tapestry sample incorporating traditional Ukrainian designs. You will be introduced to the foundational concepts and terms used in weaving, as well as common patterns.
Weaving and textile making is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Come learn this timeless beautiful practice, and connect with Ukrainian heritage and humankind’s shared heritage. Feel the mystery and joy through the work of your hands.
Workshop cost: $200
This is a TWO-DAY Workshop. Participants must attend both days. All materials included for the session. No experience necessary. Limit 8 participants, registration required.
Instructor Bozena Hrycyna loves to be with textiles! She loves embroidery, loom weaving, traditional clothing making & experimentation, growing and weaving straw, and making folk art with others!
This workshop is part of the Repurposed exhibition ancillary programming generously supported by SUS Foundation of Canada, Shevchenko Foundation, Kalimin Foundation, Wally Wyshniowsky and St. Volodymyr Institute
Ukrainian Book Club (Ukrainian)
Приєднуйтесь до нашого Клубу української літератури!
День та час: 8 листопада, 2024 о 18:30
Книга: “Ніч Перед Різдвом” Миколи Гоголя
Мова: українська (якщо вас цікавить англомовна зустріч - вона відбудеться 29 листопада, 2024)
Напишіть на, щоб зареєструватися.
Ласкаво просимо до Клубу української літератури, організованого спільно Інститутом святого Володимира та Музеєм України в Канаді, відділення Онтаріо. Незалежно від того, чи ви поціновувач літератури, чи просто цікавитесь українською культурою, цей клуб пропонує унікальну можливість дослідити багату літературну спадщину України.
Під час наших зустрічей ми будемо брати участь у захопливих обговореннях, глибше розуміти українську культуру та історію, а також спілкуватися з іншими любителями літератури. Зустрічі включатимуть міні-лекцію про історичний контекст книги, а також будуть доповнені артефактами з Музею України в Канаді, відділення Онтаріо, які спробують оживити ці історії.
Темою цієї зустрічі буде українська культура, а точніше переплетення язичницьких і християнських традицій Різдва. У творі Миколи Гоголя «Ніч перед Різдвом» Гоголь складно описує українські звичаї Різдва, які збереглися навіть під час репресій подібних традицій Російською імперією. Наша перша зустріч українською мовою відбудеться в пʼятницю, 8-ого листопада о 18:30 в Інституті Святого Володимира. Перша англомовна зустріч відбудеться у пʼятницю, 29 листопада о 18:30.
Якщо ви хочете взяти участь, будь ласка, відповідайте на Обов'язково вкажіть якою мовою ви бажаєте оговорювати твори, англійською чи українською, і дату/дати, які ви відвідаєте. Через обмежену кількість місць, місця будуть заповнені за принципом "перший прийшов - перший отримав" для кожної зустрічі. Тож не відкладайте, щоб забезпечити собі місце! Зустрічі кожною мовою проводитимуться через місяць. Будь ласка, приходьте на зустріч прочитавши книжки!
Ми сподіваємося, що ви приєднаєтесь до нас у цій захоплюючій подорожі в світ української літератури.
Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вас!
Kraika Making Workshop with Bozena Hrycyna
This workshop is an introduction to the art of warp-faced weaving using a rigid heddle back-strapped loom. We will be making traditional wool belts (known as “kraiky” in Ukrainian). You will learn to wind a simple warp and thread it through a wooden heddle, and to weave with it tied to your back. You will be introduced to the foundational concepts and terms used in weaving, as well as basic patterns. Hopefully you will leave with a brand new belt woven by you around your waist!
Weaving and textile making is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Come learn this timeless beautiful practice, and connect with Ukrainian and humankind’s shared heritage. Feel the mystery and joy through the work of your hands.
Workshop cost: $150
This is a TWO-DAY Workshop. Participants must attend both days. All materials included for the session. No experience necessary. Limit 6 participants, registration required.
Instructor Bozena Hrycyna loves to be with textiles! She loves embroidery, loom weaving, clothing making & experimentation, growing and weaving straw & most handwork!
This workshop is part of the Repurposed exhibition ancillary programming generously supported by SUS Foundation of Canada, Shevchenko Foundation, Kalimin Foundation, Wally Wyshniowsky and St. Volodymyr Institute
Remembrance Day / День Пам’яті
Sat, Nov 2, 2024 3:00 PM
Ukrainian Canadian Memorial Park
425 Scarlett Rd.
Вшануваня всіх канадійців, що загинули у всіх конфліктах, в яких Канада брала участь, а також канадійців українського походження, які зробили свій внесок у війську Канади.
Ми також вшановуємо жертовність наших українських братів і сестер-солдат, які в даний час борються в Україні.
Honoring all Canadians who have died in all conflicts in which Canada has participated, as well as Canadians of Ukrainian descent who have contributed to the Canadian military.
We also honor the sacrifice of our Ukrainian soldier brothers and sisters who are currently fighting in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Book Club (English)
Join Our Ukrainian Literature Book Club!
Date & Time: September 27th, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Books: a poem "The Princess" by Taras Shevchenko and a short story "The Kozak Girl" by Marko Vovchok (Maria Vilins’ka).
Language: English
Email to register
We are excited to announce the launch of the Ukrainian Literature Book Club, co-presented by the St. Volodymyr Institute and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. Whether you're a literature enthusiast, or simply curious about Ukrainian culture, this club offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich literary heritage of Ukraine.
During our meetings, we will engage in stimulating discussions, deepen our understanding of Ukrainian culture and history, and connect with fellow literature lovers. The meetings will also include a mini-lecture on the historical context of the book and will be surrounded by artifacts from the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch which will bring these stories to life and make for a truly enriching experience.
The theme for our first meeting will be freedom and, in particular, through female characters. We will discuss two classic works of Ukrainian literature: a poem "The Princess" by Taras Shevchenko and a short story "The Kozak Girl" by Marko Vovchok (Maria Vilins’ka). Written just 10 years apart by two people that were friends, these works showcase different interpretations and understanding of what is freedom and why it is important, acknowledging its undeniable significance. Our first meeting Ukrainian language meeting will be held on Friday, September 27th at 6:30 pm at the St. Volodymyr Institute. The first English language meeting will be on Wednesday, October 30th at 6:30 pm.
If you're interested in attending, please respond to Be sure to indicate your preferred language for the discussion (English or Ukrainian) and the date/dates you will be attending. Due to space limitations, attendance is capped, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis for each meeting. So, don’t delay in securing your place! Meetings in each language will be bi-monthly (i.e. Book 1 - September in Ukrainian, October in English). Please come to the meeting having read the books!
We hope you'll join us for this exciting new venture into the world of Ukrainian literature. We look forward to seeing you there!
Online Charity Auction
An online charity auction in support of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch is now live.
Click to browse:
(charity/fundraiser auction on Runnymede Road.)
Bidding ends on Wednesday, November 6 at 8:15 p.m.EST. Pick-up day is Saturday, November 9 or by private arrangement with
The auction has 112 lots. ALL proceeds go directly to UMCO. If you’re new to Maxsold, register to bid at
Thanks to generous friends and neighbours who donated items.
80th Anniversary Cocktail Party & Fundraiser
Join us for an unforgettable Cocktail Party & Fundraiser celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch! Be among the first to experience the opening of our new exhibition, Making a Museum: Safeguarding, Sharing, Celebrating, which showcases the rich history of the museum and eight decades of captivating stories and Ukrainian artifacts.
Enjoy signature cocktails, gourmet food stations, and live entertainment as we honour the legacy of Ukrainian culture in Canada. Network with fellow art enthusiasts and community supporters while contributing to the preservation of our heritage. Raise a glass with us to 80 years of history and vibrant culture—this is a celebration you won’t want to miss!
opening of our new exhibition Making a Museum: Safeguarding • Sharing • Celebrating
silent auction
live entertainment
gourmet food stations & refreshments
museum tours
General Admission $50 (includes 2 cocktail tickets)
Youth (18 & under) $25
To reserve your tickets, please visit:
We invite patrons to consider topping up their ticket price with a donation to the museum, helping us continue our mission.
Ukrainian Textile Club
Have you started a Ukrainian textile project, like a sorochka or a rushnyk, but need more guidance to bring it to life? Or are you already familiar with textile work and eager to start something new? Join the Ukrainian Textile Club, presented by Myroslava Boikiv, St. Volodymyr Institute (SVI), and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. This club offers a hands-on, supportive environment where you can work on your traditional textile projects using authentic techniques. With Myroslava’s mentorship, you'll deepen your skills in sewing, embroidery, and weaving while connecting with others who share a passion for Ukrainian textile arts. Future workshops may also be introduced to welcome more members into our club.
Please note that the club's language will primarily be Ukrainian.
Our first meeting will take place on Thursday, October 9, at 6:30 PM at SVI - 620 Spadina Avenue. Myroslava Boikiv will present some of her work and share her background in Ukrainian textiles. This informal gathering will introduce the Ukrainian Textile Club and allow us to discuss each member's experience with textile work. The club aims to help participants gain confidence in traditional Ukrainian textile crafting while understanding the intentional techniques used by our ancestors. We’ll assess the needs of the group to tailor future sessions to your projects and interests.
First meeting: Free, but RSVP is required.
Register by
E-transfers to or cash when you arrive
Drop Spindle Workshop with Christina Dashko
This workshop is an introduction to the making of your first length of yarn. This will include speaking about the best fibre for beginners, various kinds of spindles, learning to make a leader on the spindle, spinning and making a sample.
Spinning is an ideal craft. It connects us to what our grandmothers did. It is beautiful and it is a excercise in mindfulness and meditation.
Workshop cost: $40
All materials included for the session. No experience necessary. Limit 6 participants, registration required.
Instructor Christina Dashko loves to play with textiles! Her work includes, spinning, knitting, embroidery and painting.
This workshop is part of the Repurposed exhibition ancillary programming generously supported by SUS Foundation of Canada, Shevchenko Foundation, Kalimin Foundation, Wally Wyshniowsky and St. Volodymyr Institute
Ukrainian Book Club
We are excited to announce the launch of the Ukrainian Literature Book Club, co-presented by the St. Volodymyr Institute and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch. Whether you're a literature enthusiast, or simply curious about Ukrainian culture, this club offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich literary heritage of Ukraine.
During our meetings, we will engage in stimulating discussions, deepen our understanding of Ukrainian culture and history, and connect with fellow literature lovers. The meetings will also include a mini-lecture on the historical context of the book and will be surrounded by artifacts from the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch which will bring these stories to life and make for a truly enriching experience.
The theme for our first meeting will be freedom and, in particular, through female characters. We will discuss two classic works of Ukrainian literature: a poem "The Princess" by Taras Shevchenko and a short story "The Kozak Girl" by Marko Vovchok (Maria Vilins’ka). Written just 10 years apart by two people that were friends, these works showcase different interpretations and understanding of what is freedom and why it is important, acknowledging its undeniable significance. Our first meeting will be held on Friday, September 27, 2024 in the evening at the St. Volodymr Institute.
If you're interested in attending, please respond to Be sure to indicate your preferred language for the discussion (English or Ukrainian). Meetings in each language will be bi-monthly (i.e. Book 1 - September in Ukrainian, October in English). Due to space limitations, attendance is capped, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis for each meeting. So, don’t delay in securing your place!
We hope you'll join us for this exciting new venture into the world of Ukrainian literature.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Drop Spindle Workshop with Christina Dashko
This workshop is an introduction to the making of your first length of yarn. This will include speaking about the best fibre for beginners, various kinds of spindles, learning to make a leader on the spindle, spinning and making a sample.
Spinning is an ideal craft. It connects us to what our grandmothers did. It is beautiful and it is a excercise in mindfulness and meditation.
Workshop cost: $40
All materials included for the session. No experience necessary. Limit 6 participants, registration required.
Instructor Christina Dashko loves to play with textiles! Her work includes, spinning, knitting, embroidery and painting.
This workshop is part of the Repurposed exhibition ancillary programming generously supported by SUS Foundation of Canada, Shevchenko Foundation, Kalimin Foundation, Wally Wyshniowsky and St. Volodymyr Institute
Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival
It’s Toronto Ukrainian Festival weekend!! 🎉
Come visit the Ukrainian Museum of Canada Ontario Branch in the SVI tent at North America’s Largest Ukrainian Street Festival this Friday, Saturday & Sunday!
Shop our unique boutique items and discover one-of-a-kind treasures that showcase Ukrainian culture and heritage. While you're there, chat with our volunteers to learn about our latest exhibitions, upcoming events, and everything exciting happening at the museum.
Find us at Bloor St & Armadale Avenue, a stone’s throw from the main stage and right outside Jane subway station. We can’t wait to share our 80 years of passion for Ukrainian history and heritage with you.
See you at the festival!💙💛
Ukrainian Heritage Day
Ukrainian Heritage Day
The first official Ukrainian immigrants, Vasyl Eleniak and Ivan Pylypiw, arrived in Canada on September 7, 1891. Soon afterwards, Ukrainian immigrants began arriving in Ontario in larger numbers.
In 2001, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario proclaimed September 7 each year as Ukrainian Heritage Day.
Today, Ontario is home to more than 376,440 Ukrainian Canadians, and there are over 1.3 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent across Canada. Ukrainian Heritage Day provides a special opportunity to recognize the role that Ontario has played in successfully welcoming generations of Ukrainians seeking a better life here in Canada while celebrating the contributions of Ukrainian Canadians across many communities and walks of life in our province and our country.
Ukrainian Independence Day
Join the 33rd Annual Ukrainian Independence Day Commemoration on Saturday, August 24, 2024, in Centennial Park. Enjoy the outdoor stage show starting at 1:00 pm featuring the energetic and beautiful Ukrainian dancers and musical entertainers.
Indulge in the food court, beverage gardens, market place, children's play centre and then top the evening off at the outdoor stage with live entertainment.
A small $10 donation at the gate would be appreciated and parking is free.
The event is hosted by The Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Toronto Branch.
UMCO Annual Meeting
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario will be holding its annual meeting on June 12, 2024 at 7 pm at which time the new slate for Board of Directors will be presented.
Tapestry Weaving Demonstration by Myroslava Boikiv
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch and Myroslava Boikiv invite you to delve into the fascinating world of weaving! During her demonstration, Myroslava will discuss the initial steps involved in creating a tapestry, from preparing materials to managing the base and canvas. Attendees will explore the best materials suited for weaving and engage in a hands-on experience of stretching the warp across the frame and mastering the plain weave technique. Myroslava will also explain the role of sketches in planning a tapestry and introduce the use of secondary materials. This session will provide a glimpse into the comprehensive course on the craft of weaving, which has evolved into a unique form of tapestry art.
Free of charge but registration is suggested as there is limited space. Register here
Presentation of the Book "Imperishable" • Презентація книги "Нетлінні"
Join us for a remarkable presentation of the book "Imperishable," commemorating World Embroidery Day! This exceptional study delves deeply into the rich symbolism of Ukrainian embroidery and jewelry, highlighting the courageous expressions of national identity by the Ukrainian people.
Guiding us through this enlightening journey will be Lesya Voronyuk, the founder of Vyshyvanka Day.
Step into the vibrant tapestry of Ukrainian culture by wearing your very own embroidered shirts and joining us for a memorable group photo! Your participation will add an extra layer of vibrancy and colour to this special event!
The presentation will be in Ukrainian and English.
What you can expect:
Presentation by Lesya Voronyuk and a Q+A session
"Imperishable" available for purchase, with a book signing opportunity
Live music performance by Katya Boyko from E.K.A.
There will be a special showcase of a unique collection of embroidered textiles from the Ukrainian Museum in Canada, Ontario Branch
Featuring Ukrainian fashion: Hoyra (Lviv, Ukraine) presents designer clothing inspired by traditional Ukrainian embroidery, with items on display and select few available for sale.
Donations are being collected in support of Second Front Ukraine Foundation efforts in Ukraine.
Lesya Voronyuk
Lesya Voronyuk is a Ukrainian public figure, screenwriter, and journalist who founded World Embroidery Day while studying at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University in 2006. In addition to her educational pursuits, Voronyuk has spearheaded numerous projects aimed at promoting and celebrating Ukrainian culture and heritage.
Discover the Essence of Our Brand and Craftsmanship Hoyra, a vibrant emblem of Lviv's cultural tapestry, invites you on a journey where Ukrainian heritage intertwines seamlessly with contemporary allure. For over 15 illustrious years, we've proudly woven threads of tradition and innovation into the fabric of our creations, boasting a legacy of unique ornamentation and a commitment to using only the finest natural materials. At the heart of our craft lies machine embroidery, where digital sketches come alive, dancing across the canvas before being meticulously brought to life stitch by stitch. We're relentless in our pursuit of perfection, meticulously balancing sewing precision, fabric textures, and the harmonious interplay of colors to ensure each garment embodies the very essence of sophistication. But our dedication doesn't stop there. We understand the importance of tactile feedback, weaving a small sample on every fabric, allowing us to tangibly witness the magic unfold. It's a delicate dance where the slightest alteration in thread color can transform the entire narrative, a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and adaptability. Yet, beyond our craftsmanship lies a deeper philosophy—a celebration of individuality. We believe in the freedom to express oneself authentically, offering not just garments but a canvas upon which your unique character can shine. With each stitch, our brand whispers a simple yet profound message: "Embrace your essence, adorn your character."
Special live performance by Katya Boyko from E.K.A.
The event is organized by Second Front Ukraine Foundation, St. Volodymyr Institute, and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch
International Museum Day! 🌎
Did you know that International Museum Day (IMD) has been a global celebration since 1977? It's a fantastic opportunity for museums worldwide to come together and celebrate our rich cultural heritage.
As they say, "Museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples." We couldn’t agree more!
This year, the theme for IMD is Museums for Education and Research, shining a spotlight on the invaluable role museums play in providing engaging cultural and educational experiences. We encourage you to explore our past exhibitions and learning section on our website to delve deeper into Ukrainian culture and history.